Friday 23 October 2009


An old man floats his house from north to south America using helium balloons. A young scout joins him for the ride. They discover big birds, talking dogs and learn much about themselves.

In a world where I grow increasingly frustrated with major studios spending such ludicrous amounts on films they dare only to make sequels, Pixar (still don't think of them as Disney) stand out like a lighthouse to show the way. With the exception of Toy Story, no sequels, just fabulous original stories that even when poor by their own standards, stand head and shoulders above all else. They produce blockbusters to look forward to by taking risks. The premise to this film didn't sound great. The trailers didn't enthuse me. But I went because it was Pixar and was rewarded with a fine film indeed.

I arrived at the cinema in a strop after a lousy day at work but less than2 hours later I was leaving feeling, pardon the pun, Up-lifted. Funny one moment, poignant the next this film is more epic in it's 96 minute run time than many of hollywoods bloated "epics".

If more studios were like Pixar, I wouldn't care so much about the lack of independent cinemas in Reading.

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