Wednesday 7 October 2009


A biopic following Darwins struggles to put his thoughts and observations on evolution into the form of his revolutionary book, "On The Origin Of Species". It would be better titled Faith. There is little here about his early voyages on the Beagle, the genesis of his theory, nor much on the many years experimentation that followed gathering evidence to support it. Instead it shows the struggle of a man confronting his faith and all to aware that in writing his book he will confront the nations. Not only this but he is severely ill and heartbroken by the death of his eldest daughter Annie.

There is anunusual tone to the film. Where you might normally expect the completion of the book to be a triumph, here it is only a release from the bind that it has been, cathartic in completion but not celebrated. The tragedies in Darwin's life cast a a pall over the film that rarely lift and the majority of lighter moments come from the flashbacks to when Annie was alive.

Paul Bettany, as ever is excellent in a role where his character must change dramatically and frequently. So too is Jennifer Connelly as his wife, Emma who must be more reserved ad she tries to hold together a family while trying to support a husband directly confronting her own faith.

A good and interesting movie but not for those in low spirit.

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