Tuesday 19 January 2010

Sherlock Holmes

Although keeping the two main characters, Holmes (Robert Downey Jr) and Watson (Jude Law), and a detective style where Holmes knows more than is ever revealed until solving time, the adventures of these two are visualised rather more frenetically by Guy Ritchie than the classic source material suggests. The result is a buddy movie somewhere between Shanghai Knights and Lethal Weapon and the straight man/funny man pairing is perfect to keep the film ticking over through its investigative phases.

Downey Jr continues his run of top form and Law is an excellent sidekick and comedy foil without bringing the self satisfied smugness I associate with a number of his other performances.

Another delight is the sets. 19th century London is visualised with some panache and achieves a marvellous gothic feeling without resort to the exaggeration of a Tim Burton set.

A highly entertaining, if un-taxing introduction to a new franchise.

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