Thursday 6 August 2009

633 Squadron

As my previous boss used to point out, part of the joy of being relatively uninitiated in the world of cinema is the huge back catalogue of classic films I have yet to discover (to the constant dismay of my cinephile friends). So I've started trying to log these films when they crop up so I can make an effort to broaden the scope of my viewing. I should also log why I thought I should watch them. I can't remember for 633 Squadron but it might be as simple as the classic theme tune.

The film follows a WW2 mosquito bomber squadron as they train for a tricky D-day preparation mission. There are special bombs and a long approach run up a fjord, burgeoning romance and country pub. It feels like so many other British war films you watch on a Sunday afternoon but this is no bad thing since I love them. They do though have this strange ability to rear load the film. We slowly get to know the characters without realising we care for them and then in 10 short minutes of action right at the end you get all the main action in one hit. As pilots are lost in what is very clearly the inspiration for Star Wars' Death Star Trench Run some emotion is finally dredged from these great sacrifices, but in a very stiff upper lip sort of way with no melodrama. If you like a classic war film tale of derring do, this will be for you.

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