Wednesday 15 July 2009

The Machinist

So this is a film that seems to be developing a bit of a cult reputation, largely thanks , so far as I can tell, to Christian Bale starving himself. Rumour has it he consumed 1 apple and 1 cup of coffee a day to losr weight. If you believe the Hollywood actors guild there's thousands of actors who'd be happy to work for food so it seems ironic to pay a fortune for a well fed one to starve themself. I blame lazy casting staff who'd rather pick a name off the a-list than do their job. Anyway, the film felt like it was trying hard to be part Memento(post it notes everywhere), part Fight Club (without the fighting), part Phillip K Dick(reality/surreality issues) without really nailing the best part of any of them. I was gripped by our hungry actor but didn't really care about the character. Not terrible, not great.

1 comment:

  1. At last, Jim starts his movie watching jihad.
    Film makers beware...
